
How To Tell If Kohlrabi Is Bad

Kohlrabi is a vegetable in the same family every bit cabbage. Its gustation is sweeter and milder, tasting more similar a cross between a cucumber and broccoli, even though information technology does look like an odd combination of the 2 vegetables. Considering it is fat-free, low in sodium, low in calories, high in vitamin C, and loftier in fiber, kohlrabi is becoming increasingly popular.


Fortunately, there are a few ways to make up one's mind whether kohlrabi is skillful or bad. Everything hinges on how you prepare it. The bulb can be eaten raw or, if it's large, sliced or peeled earlier consumption. Additionally, keeping the skin on prevents the meat from turning brown when cooked. If you're unsure, proceed reading for advice on deciding if kohlrabi is condom to eat.

What is Kohlrabi?

German turnip, also known as kohlrabi, is a type of cruciferous vegetable. Instead, it is related to cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower and is a member of the Brassica, likewise known as the mustard family unit.

Some people have compared kohlrabi's unusual appearance—multiple stems sprouting from the bulb—to an alien institute. It has long, leafy stems and a round, typically violet, light green, or white bulb. The interior is e'er white-yellow.

Although information technology is a little sweeter, the flavor and texture of kohlrabi are comparable to those of cabbage and broccoli stems. Its slightly crunchy leaves and stems tin can be prepared similarly to collard greens in the kitchen. The seedling can be roasted or sautéed in improver to being ofttimes used in salads and soups.

How to Tell if Kohlrabi is Bad?

There are some things y'all can look for to make up one's mind whether kohlrabi is bad. Check the kohlrabi'due south color start. Dark-brown or yellow indicates that something is likely past its prime. Aroma the kohlrabi next. It is likely bad if it smells sour or off. Touch the kohlrabi last. It's bad and must exist thrown out if it's mushy.

Avoid eating any vegetables that have night spots on them. It shows signs of dryness and turns mushy and soft when cutting. The bulbs must be firm and tender if kept cold. Later employ, go on chlorofluorocarbons in the refrigerator for a few weeks. This sweetness and mildly spicy cabbage has a distinct sweet and mildly spicy flavour. It becomes tender and sugariness when cooked (as it would in turnip and parsnip). After the flesh has been peeled and cut into chunks or slices, blanch it in a pot for nigh three minutes.

Cut the callus tissue on your kohlrabi and eat it every bit soon as possible if you're not sure information technology's bad. However, if it's separate, you shouldn't eat it. The roots are very woody and non edible. The roots are very woody and not edible.

Checking the size is another proposition. When the stem is at least 2 inches in diameter, and the leaves are between 2.5 and 4 inches wide, kohlrabi is at its all-time. The bigger ones won't be edible. They can be separated from the stem and kept in the refrigerator for 2 to three weeks. By doing this, yous can ensure that the kohlrabi you are purchasing is toxic-free and fresh.

What does Kohlrabi Gustation Like?

Gustatory modality-wise, kohlrabi is similar to the peppery interior of a broccoli stem. It combines a piddling peppery spice from turnips or radishes with the sugariness of the broccoli. When cooking kohlrabi, consider adding a little sugar to highlight its sweetness.

An unusual-looking vegetable with a bulbous protuberance at its tiptop is kohlrabi, also known equally a caput of cabbage. This diversity of cabbage comes from the aforementioned family unit as kale, broccoli, and cauliflower. Information technology can be eaten raw or cooked and has an bawdy flavour that many people like. The best time for kohlrabi growth is from early spring to late autumn when the weather is pleasant, and the plant is at its all-time. Depending on your preferences, you can consume raw, cooked, or pickled. This nutrient is high in vitamin C and low in fat and calories. Additionally, information technology has cobweb added to it, which helps with digestion and other bodily functions.

How Should Kohlrabi be Cooked and Stored?

The stems and leaves of kohlrabi tin exist sold with or without them.

Kohlrabi pieces should exist stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container later cutting or slicing. If you lot only accept the bulb, keep it in the fridge in a sealed bag. Wrap the remaining bulb portion tightly in plastic or beeswax if you accept cutting off a piece and desire to shop it.

Both whole and cutting kohlrabi bulbs should continue for up to a week with proper storage.

Additionally, kohlrabi sold with stems and leaves should exist kept in the refrigerator in a sealed bag. The seedling will last longer than the stems and leaves, which may begin to wilt in a few days.

Use the stems and leaves equally presently as possible if you intend to utilize them. While slightly wilted stems or leaves can withal exist used, y'all should toss them if they are discolored or have an off-putting olfactory property.

Get-go by using a knife to cut off the stems and leaves from the kohlrabi. If you intend to include them in recipes, chop them up.

Next, peel the kohlrabi bulb's skin using a paring knife. Despite being edible, it is frequently tough, so almost people remove information technology.

Finally, cutting the kohlrabi into the shape and size pieces y'all adopt. Kohlrabi can too be spiralized into "noodles" or grated using a cheese grater.

Enjoy raw or cooked kohlrabi. It may be roasted, grilled, sautéed, or boiled.

In the refrigerator, cooked kohlrabi can be kept in an airtight container. Information technology could last a few days, depending on how information technology was made.

How to Select Kohlrabi?

Whenever kohlrabi is available, look for it. From mid-bound to mid-fall, kohlrabi is at its best.

Pick a compact size. Endeavour to detect kohlrabi bulbs about the size of a tennis brawl or well-nigh 3″. They have a flavor reminiscent of peeled broccoli stems. The sweeter and more than tender bulbs are the smaller ones.
Larger bulbs should be avoided because they volition taste sharper and more woody. Additionally, their peel is thicker.

Pick smoothen skin. Choose kohlrabi bulbs with even pare that is free of cracks and bruises.

Select healthy, dark-green leaves. If purchasing a whole kohlrabi with the leaves all the same on it, look for leaves that are house to the bear on and dark green. The leaves still on kohlrabi plants are frequently fresher than those removed from the bulbs.
Avoid leaves that are yellow or wilting.

Don't worry well-nigh the bulb'southward color. The seedling's color is less significant than the color of the leaves, which should also be considered. Kohlrabi bulbs can be white, green, carmine, or purple. The within of kohlrabi is always a low-cal yellow colour after being peeled.

Pick a robust bulb. The ideal kohlrabi bulb ought to be substantial.

What Exactly is Purple Kohlrabi?

The color of royal kohlrabi ranges from nighttime violet to light lavender. Royal kohlrabi must too be completely peeled before use, like green kohlrabi. One time peeled, it resembles greenish kohlrabi in both appearance and flavor. The leaves are also edible, giving dishes their lovely purple colour.


Kohlrabi is a simple, adaptable ingredient to your recipes if y'all want to try out new vegetables. It contains a skilful amount of fiber, which is crucial for digestion and a healthy gut. Nutrients found in kohlrabi have been linked to several wellness advantages. Along with supporting your immune system, its abundant nutrients and constitute compounds may reduce your gamble of center disease, sure cancers, and inflammation.

While it's crucial to recognize healthy vegetables by their advent and aroma, kohlrabi is a good selection for your diet. Each cup of calorie-rich vegetable has near 36 calories. It also contains a lot of potassium, folate, and vitamin B6.


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